Strange background of the "skeptics"
Given the aggressive tactics of the "skeptic crowd" (in reality largely pseudonymous slacktivists defined by their hatred of alternative medicine), it would be a reasonable assumption that most of them would have some scientific credentials. In fact given the strong inference that they are able to comment definitively on scientific issues, it would be reasonable to describe them as a bunch of frauds if they did not have scientific credentials.
Some of the "skeptics" do have a scientific background, but some of them are only motivated by their interest in humanism. This document asserts that most of them are woefully unqualified to opine on science:
An interesting tweet came from Alan Henness, a colleague of Singh’s and a ‘pal’ from Sense about Science, who tweeted ‘Poor Chris Woollams’, as plans for attack were drawn up. Henness, who has an IT background, runs the Nightingale Collaboration, an ‘organisation’ that attacks complementary therapists throughout Britain if he feels they make inaccurate claims. It is probably irrelevant to Henness that Florence Nightingale used complementary therapies, natural sunshine, herbs and homeopathy to treat patients. Instead, he and his cronies try to suppress complementary therapists with threats about reporting them to the Advertising Standards Authority and Trading Standards. Many supporters who meet in pubs are probably blissfully unaware of their new-found Pharmaceutical company connections. ...
With Lecanardnoir, and Guy Chapman it is simpler. They have definitely have [no scientific credentials]. Of course, that doesn’t stop them pontificating on the perils of homeopathy and other complementary therapies.
Source: (a site whose aim is "simply to expose scientific rubbish, especially when it is used to form public opinion, maintain astatus quo, and/or has vested interests and hidden agendas shaping the claims. We are especially concerned when good research evidence is denied or ignored.")
Maria MacLachlan of the Nightingale Collaboration likewise has no scientific credentials - but is a card-carrying fervent humanist.
So the genuine skeptic would be wise to be skeptical of the arguments and claims of these people. Some of them are really just trolls, with no real "rationalist" credentials. They resort to rather loathesome and underhand tactics to "win" an argument, including libel.